
First of all, welcome to my site, I'm sure you all know what it's about...if not, well then, I don't have much to say to you, except just to introduce this page.

This is website has two concepts. It specializes in Hanson as a whole, the band, and in Fanfiction. Except that there's a small twist...the fanfics mainly tend to revolve around Taylor. They involve Zackie and Ikey, but mainly about Taylor. Why? I seriously don't know. Maybe it's the age thing, but either way, I just find it easier to write about him. Although that does not mean I'm freakishly infatuated with him. I think it started when I started writing my first Hanson Fanfic for my sister, who absolutely loved Taylor so much.

The overall reason for the creation of this site is a more personal one. This site is dedicated to a special someone, a best friend, mentor, student, sister and soulmate.

To new comers, I guess it would be helpful to explain what a fanfiction is. Well, fanfiction is...just that. Fan-Fiction. Fiction written by fans. And since they're written by fans, I think it's pretty obvious that the specific fictions are in fact, about celebrities. D-U-H!
So this page contains my stories, hosted stories (which I haven't gotten to just yet...remember people, it's always vacant!) and links and other various tid-bits. So I just hope you enjoy my stories, others' stories, other little babbling, and just the page in general.

Any problems :o( compliments :o) or donations to Hannah.

since 26 July 2000